If you live in a rented home, do you feel like you’re living on someone else’s turf? Are you unsure whether you’re allowed to make home improvements or worried that your landlord won’t give permission?
In the UK, only 63.5% of people own their home; this percentage is similar across the world. This means that many of us are renting on a long-term basis. In our experience, most landlords recognise that tenants want to live somewhere that feels like a home instead of a house. It’s a very human desire to create a living space that reflects who we are. Little touches reflect our personal tastes and values, as well as providing security and comfort in our surroundings.
Inevitably, as a tenant, you will need to seek your landlord’s permission to make some changes to your rented home. For example, you should discuss changes such as painting or wallpapering either directly or through the appointed property management company. However, you can make other changes, such as removable home improvements, without having to consult the landlord.
Hints and tips to personalise your rented home
The infographic below from Half Price is packed full of practical hints and tips about how to approach your landlord about making changes to your rented property. It also covers removable home improvements. We hope this gives you some ideas about tweaks and changes you can make to personalise your rented home. If you rent a property that is managed by Able Property Trust and would like to make any changes to your home, do contact us and we’ll be happy to contact your landlord on your behalf.

Credit: Half Price